高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨 2024智慧树满分答案



第一章 单元测试

Please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(0-18秒)
According to the kids in the interview, their answers cover the following EXCEPT

A:I have many friends on my social media.
B:I don;t have a social media because mom don’t allow me to have one.
C:I don’t have a social media but watch Youtube the whole day.
D:I have a facebook and Gmail account already.
答案: I have many friends on my social media.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(18-26秒) The old man mentions his position towards social media that

A:For his generation, he is reasonably involved but having too many friends online.
B:For his generation, he is reasonably involved for having more than 1000 friends.
C:For his generation, he is a little bit out of dated compared with his peers
D:For his generation ,he is a little bit overusing the social media.
答案: For his generation, he is reasonably involved for having more than 1000 friends.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(43-54秒)According to the lady, her attitude towards social media is

A:Negative, because there are endless videos which might cause addictive problems among people who use it.
B:Negative, because social media is harmful to our health.
C:Positive, because there are beneficial videos which one can learn more from online courses.
D:Positive, because there are abundant resources like videos there.
答案: Negative, because there are endless videos which might cause addictive problems among people who use it.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(117-146秒)According to the speakers in this clip, the negative sides of social media includes the followings Except

A:One can see what’s happening outside with your friends anywhere.
B:Social media can make one jealous.
C:Social media can be abused, like bullied online by social media.
D:Social media might cause people to have self-consciousness because of bad comments or mean comments on social medias.
答案: One can see what’s happening outside with your friends anywhere.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions147-155秒)When the speaker here mentions that he feels that he is like a phony, he actually means that

A:He is honestly showing people something on social media.
B:He is putting in front of people who he is on social medias.
C:He is comfortable with what he has shown on social media.
D:He is putting in front of people who he wants people to think who he is.
答案: He is putting in front of people who he wants people to think who he is.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions155秒到159秒)The woman mentions that social media__________

A:make her wasting time unconsciously
B:killing her time away effectively
C:attract her for funny content
D:waste her time deliberately
答案: make her wasting time unconsciously


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(2分到214)The woman mentions that she doesn’t want the social media to run her life because______

A:She has seen so many people who just spend time in social media
B:She has seen so many people who almost spend their most time in social media.
C:She has seen so many people who are addicted to social media
D:She has seen so many people who makes living by social media
答案: She has seen so many people who almost spend their most time in social media.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(215-236) The elder man criticizes social media that it is the cause for the detached relationship among people nowadays, for social media would make people the following reasons except______

A:We start to communicate by social media in dinner.
B:We have no communication in dinner.
C:We don’t hug or touch each other often now.
D:We are turning to be more technical.
答案: We start to communicate by social media in dinner.


please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(236-249)The woman says that she loves social media because we are always evolving and changing, and social media helps us to ___________

A:live in the moment and know what happen around us.
B:catch up with the latest big events.
C:understand what other people are thinking
D:Know the moment and feel the time passing away
答案: live in the moment and know what happen around us.


Please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions.

According to what you have watched from the video, it is possible that social media is

A:welcomed by all the young kids
B:mostly welcomed by elder people
D:disliked by young people
答案: double-edged

第二章 单元测试

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(1分11秒-55秒)What happened when the speaker just built the instrument with his team to propose an experiment to fly to Venus?

A:He became involved in calculations of the greenhouse effect on earth and found that our atmospheric composition was changing
B:He was continuing his experiment on the trip to Venus
C:He has just resigned as principal investigator on the Venus experiment
D:He just joined NASA
答案: He became involved in calculations of the greenhouse effect on earth and found that our atmospheric composition was changing

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(1分55秒-2分17秒)
British physicist John Tyndall, in the 1850’s, made laboratory measurements of the infrared radiation, which is heat. And he showed that gasses such as CO2___________ , thus acting like a blanket warming Earth’s surface.

A:reflect sunlight
B:reflect heat
C:absorb heat
D:absorb sunlight
答案: absorb heat

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(2分17秒-3分08秒)The speaker worked with other scientists to analyze earth climate observations. In 1981,they published an article in Science magazine concluding that

A: All of these impacts have since either happened or are now well under way
B:observed warming of 0.4 degrees Celsius in the prior century was consistent with the greenhouse effect of increasing CO2
C:That Earth would likely warm in the 1980’s, and warming would exceed the noise level of random weather by the end of the century
D:The 21st century would see shifting climate zones, creation of drought-prone regions in North America and Asia, erosion of ice sheets, rising sea levels and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage
答案:  All of these impacts have since either happened or are now well under way

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.

308-402秒)The paper lead the speaker testifying to Congress in the 1980’s, testimony in which he emphasized that global warming increases

A:increases both extremes of the Earth’s water cycle
B:Rainfall will become in less extreme events
C:There will be stronger storms
D:Only heatwaves and droughts on one hand, directly from the warming
答案: increases both extremes of the Earth’s water cycle

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(5分29-5分52秒)The speaker then describe the most important conclusion from the physics, first,_____________, and second, _____________.

A:first, from Earth’s radiation balance and, second, from Earth’s climate history
B:first, from Earth’s energy balance and, second, from Earth’s changing geographical history
C:first, from Earth’s energy balance and, second, from Earth’s warming history
D:first, from Earth’s energy balance and, second, from Earth’s climate history
答案: first, from Earth’s energy balance and, second, from Earth’s climate history

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(6分29-7分09秒)The biggest reservoir, the ocean, was the least well measured, until the scientists use the evidence

A:measuring the heat content in Earth’s heat reservoirs
B:distribute more than 30,000 Argo floats around the world’s ocean
C:reveal that the upper half of the ocean is gaining heat at a substantial rate
D:more than 3,000 Argo floats were distributed around the world’s ocean
答案: more than 3,000 Argo floats were distributed around the world’s ocean

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(8分-8分29秒)To argue against the claim that the Sun is the main cause of climate change held by climate change deniers, the speaker argues the followings EXCEPT

A:The deep ocean is also gaining heat at a smaller rate, and energy is going into the net melting of ice all around the planet
B:This shows that the effect of the Sun’s variations on climate is overwhelmed by the increasing greenhouse gasses, mainly from burning fossil fuels
C:The measured energy imbalance occurred during the deepest solar minimum in the record, when the Sun’s energy reaching Earth was least
D:Yet, there was more energy coming in than going out
答案: The deep ocean is also gaining heat at a smaller rate, and energy is going into the net melting of ice all around the planet

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(09分20秒-10分07秒)According to the scientific research, the speaker concludes that_____.

A:CO2, methane, and ice sheets were feedbacks that simplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge
B:CO2, methane, and ice sheets were feedbacks that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge
C:CO2, and methane were feedbacks that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge, even though the climate change was initiated by a very weak forcing
D:CO2, methane, and ice sheets were warning signals that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge
答案: CO2, methane, and ice sheets were feedbacks that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(11分06秒-11分39秒)As for the sea level, the speaker speculates that according to current evidence of scientific research, it will 

A:be more if we keep using green energy, perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet, this century or shortly thereafter
B:be more if we keep burning fossil fuels, perhaps even 18  meters, which is five feet, this century or shortly thereafter
C:be more if we keep burning fossil fuels, perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet, this century or shortly thereafter
D:rise at least one meter
答案: be more if we keep burning fossil fuels, perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet, this century or shortly thereafter

Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.(12分25秒-13分31秒)
Global warming is already affecting people. And the speaker then cited some facts to further proving his argument which includes

A:Moscow the year before and Europe in 2000
B:There are more than three standard deviations outside the norm
C: In recent years, because of global warming, they now cover about 10 percent — an increase by a factor of 15 to 50
D:The Texas, Oklahoma, Mexico heatwave and drought last year
答案: The Texas, Oklahoma, Mexico heatwave and drought last year

















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高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨 2024智慧树满分答案第1张





高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨 2024智慧树满分答案第2张高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨 2024智慧树满分答案第3张






