化工原理(1)(全英文) 智慧树答案2024版100分完整版


绪论 单元测试

1、 The unit operation of separation of gas mixture based on the difference of components’solubility is . 利用气体各组分在液体中的溶解度的不同而实现气体分离的单元操作是。( )

A:Distillation 精馏
答案: Absorption吸收


Please judge which following unit operation belongs to mass transfer? 请判断哪个单元操作属于质量传递? ( )

A:Filtration 过滤
B:Settling 沉降
C:Distillation 精馏
D:Heating 加热
答案: Distillation 精馏

3、 Which unit operation belongs to heat transfer? 哪个单元操作属于热量传递?( )

A:Cooling 冷却
B:Settling 沉降
C:Transportation of fluids 流体输送
D:Stirring 搅拌
答案: Cooling 冷却


As we all know, “three transfers” is a very important concept, which includes momentum, heat, and mass transfer, now  judge which following unit operation belongs to momentum transfer? 总所周知,三传是非常重要的概念,它包括动量、热量和质量传递,请判断哪个单元操作属于动量传递?( )

B:Cooling 冷却
D:Transportation of fluids 流体输送
答案: Transportation of fluids 流体输送


Some unit operations just include 1 transfer, however others maybe include 2 or 3 transfers at the same time, please indicate the  unit operation below that exists mass  and heat transfers meanwhile?一些单元操作只存在一种传递,有些则同时存在2到3种单元操作,请指出下面哪个单元操作既属于质量传递同时也属于热量传递?( )

B:Cooling 冷却
D:Transportation of fluids 流体输送
答案: Distillation精馏

第一章 单元测试

1、 Gas is a compressible fluid. 气体是一种可压缩性的流体。( )

答案: 对

2、 When the absolute pressure of the measured fluid is greater than the external atmospheric pressure, the pressure gauges used are called. 当被测流体的绝对压强大于外界大气压强时,所用的测压仪表称为。( )

A:Vacuum gauge真空表
C:Liquid Level Meter液位计
答案: Manometer压强表

3、 The reading of the vacuum gauge indicates the quantity that the absolute pressure of the measured fluid is lower than the atmospheric pressure, which is called. 真空表上的读数表示被测流体的绝对压强低于绝对压强的读数,称为.( )。

A:Vacuum degree真空度
B:Gauge pressure表压强
C:Relative pressure相对压强
答案: Vacuum degree真空度


18660 Pa equals to ___mmHg? 18660Pa等于多少mmHg? ( )

答案: 140mmHg


Pressure can be expressed by absolute pressure, gauge pressure and vacuum gauge, if the reading of vacuum gauge in the equipment is 100 mmHg, try to calculate the absolute pressure. Given that the atmospheric pressure in this area is 740mmHg, then what is the absolute pressure?压强可以表示为绝对压强、表压和真空度,某设备真空表的读数是100 mmHg ,假设当地大气压为740 mmHg,那它的绝对压强是多少?( )

A:200 mmHg
B:640 mmHg
C:840 mmHg
D:500 mmHg
答案: 640 mmHg

第二章 单元测试

1、 In a Hagen-Poiseuille flow, i.e. laminar pressure-driven flow in a circular pipe, if the pressure drop is doubled, the average and maximum velocities will _. 在哈根-泊谡叶流中,当压降变为原来的两倍时,流体的平均和最大速度会___。( )

A:remain constant 保持不变
B:both double 均变为原来2倍
C:average velocity will double, while maximum velocity will become four times as large 平均速度变为2倍,最大速度变为4倍
D:both become four times均变为原来4倍
E:average velocity will quadruple, while maximum velocity will double平均速度变为4倍,最大速度变为2倍
答案: both double 均变为原来2倍

2、 Boundary layer occurs in _. 边界层存在于___。( )

A:laminar, transitional and turbulent flows 层流、湍流和过渡流中
B:laminar flow only 仅存在于层流中
C:turbulent flow only仅存在于湍流中
D:transitional flow only仅存在于过渡流中
E:transitional and turbulent flows only 仅存在于过渡流和湍流中
答案: laminar, transitional and turbulent flows 层流、湍流和过渡流中

3、 The continuum hypothesis of fluid mechanics assumes that fluid can be _. 流体力学的连续性假设是说,流体可以___。( )

A:divided into molecules and atoms 被划分为分子和原子
B:subject to thermal fluctuations 受到热扰动的影响
C:gas or liquid 是气体或液体
D:divided infinitely 被无限划分
E:none of the rest 其他都不对
答案: divided infinitely 被无限划分

4、 A fluid flow may be laminar, turbulent or transitional, depending on its _. 流体流动究竟是层流、过渡流还是湍流,取决于___。( )

A:Reynolds number 雷诺数
B:Froude number 福禄数
C:Bernoulli number 柏努利数
D:Prandtl number 普朗特数
E:none of the rest 其他均不对
答案: Reynolds number 雷诺数

5、 To solve for the velocity distribution of a viscous flow, we should use _. 对于黏性流体,欲求得其速度分布,应该采用___。( )

A:Bernoulli equation 柏努利方程
B:Euler equation 欧拉方程
C:Navier-Stokes equation 奈维-斯托克斯方程
D:Darcy-Weisbach equation 达西-瓦斯巴赫方程
E:Colebrook-White equation 科尔布鲁克-怀特方程
答案: Navier-Stokes equation 奈维-斯托克斯方程

6、 A liquid flows from a pipe of diameter into a pipe of diameter . The minor loss coefficient is _. 某液体从直径为D的管道流入直径为2D的管道,其局部阻力系数K是 ___. ( )

E:none of the rest 其他均不对
答案: 9/16

7、 A liquid flow is first divided into three separate pipe flows and later they merge into a single stream again. In this process, the total head loss is _. 某股液流先分为三股,随后又汇为一股。在此过程中,总压头损失为___. ( )

A:1/3 of the initial total head 原总压头的1/3
B:half of the initial total head 原总压头的一半
C:the sum of head losses in all three pipes 三个分支管路中压头损失之和
D:zero 零
E:none of the rest 其他均不对
答案: none of the rest 其他均不对

第三章 单元测试

1、 Which of the following valves is an essential part of reciprocating pumps? 下列哪种阀门是容积泵的重要组成部分之一?( )

A:Gate valve 闸阀
B:Ball valve 球阀
C:Check valve 逆止阀
D:Globe valve 截止阀
E:Plug cock 旋塞阀
答案: Check valve 逆止阀


