知到智慧树 医学英语词汇学(山东联盟) 答案满分完整版章节测试


第一章 单元测试


1、The symbol of medicine is called ____.

A the rod of Aaron
B the Rod of Asclepius
C the Rod of Jesse
D the Rod of Iron
答案  the Rod of Asclepius

2、The first bone of the spine is known as ____.

A Atlas
B Axis
C Sacrum
D Coccyx
答案  Atlas

3、The heel cord, i.e. the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, is called _.

A Patella tendon
B Deltoid tendon
C Achilles tendon
D Trapezius tendon
答案  Achilles tendon

4、A 18-year-old man has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and always believes that he is better than others. This man may be diagnosed with having a(n) _.

A Oedipus complex
B Cain complex
C Electra complex
D Narcissistic personality disorder
答案  Narcissistic personality disorder

5、A senior woman always repeats statements and questions over and over, not realizing that she has asked the question before. She tends to forget conversations, appointments or events. This woman may be diagnosed with _.

A Parkinson’s disease
B Alzheimer’s disease
C Down’s syndrome
D Crohn’s disease
答案  Alzheimer’s disease

6、A boy always feels tired. Blood test shows that he is not iron deficient, but his MCV(平均红细胞体积)is very low. The name of this condition derives from the Greek Thalassa sea. What may be the possible diagnosis of him?

A Aplastic anemia
B Syphilis
C Mediterranean anemia
D Cataract
答案  Mediterranean anemia

7、In the brain, there is a region involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing, which is called the ___ because it has a shape of a seahorse.

A Pineal gland
B Pituitary gland
C Thalamus
D Hippocampus
答案  Hippocampus

8、A newborn baby is with reddish purple marks on the face, which is caused by a localized area of abnormal blood vessels. This condition is called __.

A Butterfly disease
B Acne
C Port-wine stain
D Pimple
答案  Port-wine stain

第二章 单元测试

1、Which of the following word parts is a combining form?

A hyper-
B ot/o-
C -iatrics
D penta-
答案  ot/o-

2、Which of the following words is spelled correctly ?

A enterogastritis
B enterogastroitis
C gastroenteritis
D gastrenteritis
答案  gastroenteritis

3、The correct pronunciation of “pt” in the word “gastroptosis” and “ptosis” is __.

A t and t
B pt and pt
C t and pt
D pt and t
答案  pt and t

4、Words ending with __are stressed on the next to last syllable.

A -tomy
B -oma
C -ectomy
D -rrhea
答案  -oma

5、The word “rhinoplasty” is pronounced_______.

A ‘rainəu,plæsti
B rai’nəuplæsti
C rainəuplæs’ti
D ,rainəu’plæsti
答案  ‘rainəu,plæsti

第三章 单元测试

1、fibrous adhesion

A 纤维组织
B 纤维结构
C 纤维固定
D 纤维性粘连
答案  纤维性粘连

2、afferent neurons

A 传入神经元
B 传出神经元
C 传入神经递质
D 传出神经递质
答案  传入神经元

3、 回顾性研究

A a prospective study
B a retrospective study
C an extrovert study
D an introvert study
答案  a prospective study


A inferior veins of cerebrum
B Superior veins of cerebrum
C inferior veins of cerebellum
D superior veins of cerebellum
答案  inferior veins of cerebellum


A 灰发病
B 青光眼
C 紫癜病
D 发绀
答案  青光眼

第四章 单元测试

1、Cardiopathy means ___.

A heart failure
B heart disease
C brain disease
D skeletal disease
答案  3

2、The suffix “-centesis” in the word arthrocentesis means __.

A destruction of
B puncture of
C pertaining to
D originating in
答案  puncture of

3、The suffix “-malacia” in the word chondromalacia means __.

A flowing
B hardening
C softening
D producing
答案  softening

4、Downward displacement of the stomach is termed ___.

A gastritis
B gastroptosis
C mammoplasia
D sternoschisis
答案  gastroptosis

5、Which of the following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver?

A hepatologist
B hematologist
C nephrologist
D rheumatologist
答案  hepatologist

6、___ means surgical repair of an organ.

A phag/o-
B -plasm
C -plasty
D -pathy
答案  -plasty

7、A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called ___.

A electroencephogram
B electromyogram
C electrocardiogram
D electroencephalogram
答案  electroencephalogram

8、Which of the following suffixes does not mean “pertaining to”?

A -ic
B -al
C -ar
D -our
答案  -our

9、The suffix “-megaly” in the word hepatosplenomegaly means ___.

A swelling
B softening
C hardening
D enlargement
答案  enlargement

10、The instrument for viewing is -scope whereas the instrument for cutting is______.

A -tome
B -scopy
C -meter
D -graph
答案  -tome

第五章 单元测试

1、Surgical reconstruction or cosmetic alteration of the nose is termed______.

A rhinopexy
B rhinoplasty
C rhinotomy
D rhinoscopy
答案  rhinoplasty

2、A faster than normal respiratory rate of breathing is termed _.

A dyspnea
B apnea
C tachypnea
D bradypnea
答案  tachypnea

3、Hemoptysis is a term describing_______.

A a bloody nose
B bleeding from the gums
C a clot in a pulmonary artery
D coughing up blood from the lungs
答案  coughing up blood from the lungs

4、A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes is termed_______, which is a sign that oxygen in the blood is dangerously diminished (as in carbon monoxide poisoning).

A cyanosis
B cyanide
C albinism
D erythematosus
答案  cyanosis

5、_is an instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs.

A pneumograph
B spirograph
C spirometer
D spirometry
答案  spirometer

6、A special procedure to examine the blood vessels of the lungs by X-ray is called

A a lung scan
B bronchoscopy
C thoracocentesis
D pulmonary angiography
答案  pulmonary angiography

第六章 单元测试


A capn/o
B aort/o
C spir/o
D ventricul/o
答案  aort/o


A coron/o
B ton/o
C chrom/o
D cardi/o
答案  cardi/o


A arteri/o
B cephal/o
C cerebr/o
D encephal/o
答案  n. 动脉, 要道


A phon/o
B dent/o
C astr/o
D ven/o
答案  ven/o


A plasm/o
B ser/o
C hem/o
D femor/o
答案  angi/o


A atri/o
B melan/o
C chrom/o
D erythr/o
答案  atri/o

7、blood vessle

A duoden/o
B col/o
C angi/o
D jejun/o
答案  angi/o


A hepat/o
B valvul/o
C ren/o
D adren/o
答案  valvul/o


A -itis
B -ase
C -lysis
D -ide
答案  -itis


A -tomy
B -stomy
C -ectomy
D -scopy
答案  -tomy







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