病理生理学(PATHOPHYSIOLOGY)(南通大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第1讲 绪论与疾病概论(Introduction of Pathophysiology and Conspectus of Disease) 测验1 绪论与疾病概论

1、 病理生理学是( )

答案: 研究疾病发生、发展规律和机制的科学

2、 Which one does not belong to the fundamental pathological process ( )

答案: Heart failure

3、 Which one does not belong to the causes of diseases?

答案: Age and sex

4、 Which one does not belong to the fundamental mechanisms of disease

答案: Aging mechanism

5、 Which one cannot be used as a suitable criterion to brain death

答案: Cardiac arrest

6、 Generally speaking, what does the developing direction of a disease depend on

答案: The contrast between the strength of damage and anti-damage factors

7、 病理生理学是( )

答案: 研究疾病发生、发展规律和机制的科学

8、 病理生理学的主要任务是( )

答案: 研究疾病发生发展的规律与机制

9、 疾病概论主要论述的是( )

答案: 疾病中具有普遍规律性的问题

10、 病理过程是指( )

答案: 疾病中共同、成套的功能代谢和结构变化

11、 机体各系统病理生理学主要论述( )

答案: 重要系统在不同疾病中出现的共同病理变化

12、 病理生理学研究疾病的最主要方法是( )

答案: 动物实验

13、 能够较全面体现临床疾病特征的常用疾病模型是( )

答案: 整体动物模型

14、 It is impossible that two or more fundamental pathological processes involve in any disease simultaneously.

答案: 错误

15、 The main task of pathophysiology is to study the mechanisms and rules of the occurrence, development and outcome of disease.

答案: 正确

16、 Pathophysiology is a subject to study the rules of life activities of unhealthy individuals.

答案: 正确

第2讲 水钠代谢紊乱 (Disorder of Water and Sodium Metabolism) 测验2.2 水肿

1、 The main mechanism of facial edema in patients with nephrotic syndrome is ( )

答案: Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure and loose local tissue structure

2、 Which one of the following would not develop to anasarca

答案: Inflammatory edema

3、 Which of the following statements is not true about the resultant effect of edema on the body

答案: The pathological effect of local edema on the body is less than that of anasarca

4、 The basic mechanism inducing retention of sodium and water is that ( )

答案: There is a glomerular-tubular imbalance

5、 Which of the following is not concerned with plasma colloid osmotic pressure decrease

答案: Anemia

6、 The mechanism of edema in the homolateral arm of breast carcinoma treated with radical surgery is ( )

答案: Lymphatic obstruction due to removal of lymph nodes in operation


7、 下列那项不是肝硬化腹水形成的重要因素( )

答案: 有效循环血量增加

8、 象皮腿病的发生主要是由于( )

答案: 丝虫病局部淋巴管阻塞导致局部水肿并有结缔组织增生

9、 妊娠后期发生下肢水肿的主要机制是( )

答案: 毛细血管流体静压增高

10、 机体体循环静脉压增高的常见原因是( )

答案: 右心衰竭

11、 影响血浆胶体渗透压最重要的蛋白是( )

答案: 白蛋白

12、 水肿是指( )

答案: 组织间隙或体腔中液体过多

13、 组织间液增多的主要原因有( )

答案: 毛细血管流体静压增高;

14、 造成毛细血管流体静压增高的疾病有( )

答案: 左心衰竭;

15、 The effect of anasarca on the body must be greater than that of local edema.

答案: 错误

16、 The decrease of GFR can induce edema due to imbalance of fluid interchange between plasma and interstitial compartments.

答案: 错误

17、 One of the mechanisms of edema induced by heart failure is the increase of glomerular FF.

答案: 正确

第2讲 水钠代谢紊乱 (Disorder of Water and Sodium Metabolism) 测验2.1 水钠代谢紊乱

1、 低渗性脱水时尿钠减少的主要原因是()

答案: 肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统兴奋

2、 低容量性高钠血症脱水的主要部位是 ( )

答案: 细胞内液

3、 最易发生脱水热的水与电解质紊乱类型是()

答案: 低容量性高钠血症

4、 The predominant harmful effect in acute water intoxication is()

答案: Cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension

5、 Which organ plays the key role in keeping sodium and water balance of body

答案: Kidney

6、 Which one of the following disorders of water and sodium metabolism might result in cerebral hemorrhage()

答案: Hypertonic dehydration

7、 Peripheral circulatory failure may occur late in hypertonic dehydration because of()

答案: The water movement from ICF to ECF

8、 The main characteristic of body fluid change in hypovolemic hyponatremia is that()

答案: Intracellular fluid is increased, extracellular fluid is decreased

9、 The characteristic of hypovolemic hyponatremia is()

答案: Decreased Serum [Na+], decreased volume of ECF

10、 低渗性脱水时尿钠减少的主要原因是()

答案: 肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统兴奋

11、 下列哪种情况属于低容量低钠血症()

答案: 囟门、眼窝塌陷,外周循环衰竭较早出现

12、 急性肾功能衰竭少尿期摄入水过多可发生()

答案: 水中毒

13、 下列哪些情况可以引起高渗性脱水()

答案: 昏迷;

14、 高渗性脱水早期,机体的代偿反应表现为()

答案: 口渴中枢兴奋;

15、 Patients of hypotonic dehydration are often associated with inappropriate treatment such as replacement of pure water to the loss of water and sodium.

答案: 正确

16、 The main role of ADH is to increase the reabsorption of water in distal tubule and collecting duct of kidney.

答案: 正确

第3讲 钾代谢紊乱(Disorder of Potassium Metabolism) 测验3 钾代谢紊乱

1、 小儿失钾的最重要原因是

答案: 严重腹泻呕吐

2、 反常性碱性尿常见于

答案: 高钾性酸中毒

3、 成人失钾最重要的途径是

答案: 经肾失钾

4、 影响细胞内外钾平衡调节的主要激素是

答案: 胰岛素

5、 影响体内外钾平衡调节的主要激素是

答案: 醛固酮

6、 The effects of mild hypokalemia on the physiological characteristics of myocardial cells are

答案: ↑excitability, ↓conductivity, ↑automaticity, ↑contractibility

7、 The excitability of skeletal muscles is decreased in acute hypokalemia because

答案: Em voltage becomes more negative, the difference between Em-Et increases

8、 The effects of severe hyperkalemia on the physiological characteristics of myocardial cell are

答案: ↓excitability, ↓conductivity, ↓automaticity, ↓contractibility

9、 The overdose of insulin may lead to hypokalemia due to

答案: The uptake of K+ into ICF compartment from ECF compartment

10、 The changes of ECG during acute hyperkalemia are as follows except

答案: Peaked P wave

11、 低钾血症对酸碱平衡的影响是

答案: 细胞内酸中毒,细胞外碱中毒

12、 In hyperkalemia the serum potassium concentration is more than

答案: 5.5mmol/L

13、 Which one of the following conditions can be caused by both hyperkalemia and hypokalemia

答案: Cardiac arrhythmia

14、 In hyperkalemia the serum potassium concentration is more than

答案: 5.5mmol/L

15、 In acute severe hyperkalemia, the neuromuscular excitability is increased with body sting and abnormal feeling.

答案: 错误

16、 Hyperkalemia leads to hyperpolarization blocking of myocardium.

答案: 错误

第4讲 酸碱平衡紊乱(Acid-Base Imbalance) 测验4 酸碱平衡紊乱

1、 The common causes of lactic acidosis are as follows except

答案: Severe starvation

2、 下列哪种酸属于挥发酸

答案: 碳酸

3、 反映血浆中实际HCO3-量的指标为

答案: AB

4、 AB和SB值均高于正常,且AB>SB,表明可能有

答案: 呼吸性酸中毒

5、 正常体液中的酸性物质主要是

答案: 代谢产生的碳酸

6、 血液中pH值主要取决于血浆中

答案: HCO3-/H2CO3比值

7、 血液缓冲系统对固定酸的缓冲主要靠

答案: 碳酸氢盐缓冲系统

8、 AG增高一般意味着体内发生了

答案: 正常血氯性代谢酸中毒

9、 急性代谢性酸中毒时机体的代偿最主要依靠

答案: 肺的代偿

10、 酸中毒可使心肌收缩力

答案: 减弱

11、 下列哪项混合性酸碱平衡紊乱不可能出现

答案: 呼吸性酸中毒合并呼吸性碱中毒

12、 The chemoreceptor in respiratory center is most sensitive to the change of

答案: [H+]

13、 下列哪种酸属于挥发酸

答案: 碳酸

14、 从动脉抽取血样后,如不与大气隔绝,下列哪项指标测定结果将受影响

答案: AB

15、 酸中毒可使心肌收缩力

答案: 减弱

16、 Which of the following buffer systems is most important in buffering fixed acid

答案: Bicarbonate buffer system

17、 Metabolic acidosis with increased AG might be caused by

答案: ketoacidosis

18、 Causes of respiratory alkalosis are as follows except

答案: Respiratory failure

19、 In alkalosis, the increased neuromuscular excitability is mainly due to

答案: Decreased Ca2+

20、 In chronic respiratory acidosis, which is the main compensation

答案: Compensation by the kidney

21、 Which acid can be classified into volatile acid

答案: Carbonic acid

22、 An increased AG in the body means

答案: Normochloremic metabolic acidosis

23、 酸碱平衡紊乱与钾代谢变化密切相关,互为因果。

答案: 正确

24、 The patients with metabolic alkalosis may have mental derangement induced by the increase of γ-GABA.

答案: 错误

25、 In chronic metabolic acidosis, pH remains 7.40 after the compensation of kidney.

答案: 正确

26、 The patients with metabolic alkalosis may have mental derangement induced by the increase of γ-GABA.

答案: 错误

27、 Severe vomiting is the most common cause of metabolic alkalosis.

答案: 正确

28、 In acute metabolic acidosis, pH, AB, SB, PaCO2 are all decreased.

答案: 正确

第5讲 缺氧(Hypoxia) 测验5 缺氧

1、 The alterations of blood oxygen parameters in histogenous hypoxia are as follows except ( )

答案: Increased D (CaO2-CvO2)

2、 Which etiology can cause hemic hypoxia as follows ( )

答案: CO poisoning

3、 Which organ is most sensitive to hypoxia ( )

答案: Brain

4、 Which etiology can cause histogenous hypoxia as follows ( )

答案: Inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation

5、 Cyanosis appears when deoxyhemoglobin concentration of the blood in the capillaries is more than ( )

答案: 5g/dl

6、 Enterogenous cyanosis appears in which situation listed below ( )

答案: Methemoglobinemia

7、 某患者血气检查的结果是:血氧容量20ml/dl,动脉血氧含量15ml/dl,动脉血氧分压6.7Kpa(50mmhg),动静脉血氧含量差4ml/dl,则其缺氧的类型为( )

答案: 低张性缺氧

8、 下列哪种情况可能引起缺氧性的呼吸加深加快( )

答案: 高原地区(>4000 米)

9、 对组织性缺氧最有诊断价值的是( )

答案: 动-静脉血氧含量差

10、 某患者血气检查的结果是:血氧容量12ml/dl,动脉血氧含量11.4ml/dl,动脉血氧分压13.3Kpa(100mmhg),动静脉血氧含量差3.6ml/dl,则其缺氧的类型为( )

答案: 慢性贫血

11、 某患者血气检查的结果是:血氧容量20ml/dl,动脉血氧含量19ml/dl,动脉血氧分压13.37Kpa(100mmhg),动静脉血氧含量差6ml/dl,则其缺氧的类型为( )

答案: 休克

12、 严重缺氧时可以导致细胞损伤,此时细胞内、外的离子浓度变化为( )

答案: 细胞内Na+增加

13、 In acute hypoxia, the compensatory changes of the body mainly include ()

答案: Compensation of respiratory system;
Compensation of circulatory system

14、 In chronic hypoxia, the compensatory changes of the body mainly include ()

答案: Compensation of blood system;
Compensation of tissue cells

15、 78.可以出现动-静脉血氧含量差减少的缺氧类型有( )

答案: 低张性缺氧;

第6讲 发热(Fever) 测验6 发热

1、 关于发热的叙述,下列哪一项是正确的?

答案: 由于体温调节中枢调定点上移所引起

2、 下列哪种情况的体温升高属于发热?

答案: 输血后所引起的体温升高

3、 下列哪种情况属于过热?

答案: 先天性汗腺缺乏引起的体温升高

4、 关于热限的叙述下列正确的是( )

答案: 体温升高的程度受到限制

5、 The key step in mechanisms of fever is that ( )

答案: EPs up-regulate the set-point of thermoregulatory center

6、 发热激活物引起发热主要是由于( )

答案: 促进细胞产生和释放内生致热原

7、 下列哪种物质是发热激活物?

答案: 抗原抗体复合物

8、 The characteristic of heat metabolism in fever during the fervescence stage is ( )

答案: the increase of heat production and decrease of heat loss

9、 The characteristic of heat metabolism in fever during the defervescence stage is ( )

答案: the decrease of heat production and increase of heat loss

10、 Treatment should be employed immediately during fever except ( )

答案: men

11、 The characteristic of heat metabolism in fever during the persistent febrile stage is ( )

答案: the balance between heat production and heat loss

12、 The elevation of body temperature caused by stress belongs to physiological elevation of body temperature.

答案: 正确

13、 The elevation of body temperature caused by hyperthyroidism belongs to physiological elevation of body temperature.

答案: 错误

14、 Endogenous pyrogens can change the set point directly.

答案: 错误

15、 发热是一种独立的疾病,同时也是其它疾病发生的重要信号。

答案: 错误

第7讲 细胞增殖和凋亡异常与疾病( Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis Abnormity and Diseases) 测验7 细胞增殖和凋亡异常与疾病

1、 The order of cell proliferation cycle was as follows ( )

答案: G1→S→G2→M

2、 Cells are classified according to their proliferative characteristics, excluding( )

答案: apoptotic cell

3、 Which one is wrong about description of cyclin ( )

答案: Because its production rate is constant, the activity of CDK is constant

4、 The cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor (CDI) is ( )

答案: Ink4

5、 Which of the following processes is apoptosis ( )

答案: Formation of finger (toe) space in human embryo

6、 The characteristic morphological changes of apoptosis is ( )

答案: Apoptotic body formation

7、 Cell cycle characteristics do not include ( )

答案: Reversibility

8、 Which caspase plays the final role of apoptosis ( )

答案: caspase-3

9、 关于细胞凋亡的描述,下列哪一项是错误的( )

答案: 细胞凋亡是一个不耗能的过程

10、 下列哪种基因的激活能抑制细胞凋亡

答案: Bcl-2

11、 在细胞周期运行过程中的“分子警察”指的是( )

答案: 野生型P53

12、 关于肿瘤,下列哪项说法是错误的( )

答案: Bcl-2基因高表达提示肿瘤预后良好

13、 细胞凋亡过度参与以下哪些疾病的发生( )

答案: 阿尔茨海默病;

14、 促进细胞凋亡的基因有( )

答案: Fas;

15、 细胞凋亡的主要执行者有( )

答案: 内源性核酸内切酶;





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