英语口语进阶(南京大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Week 1: Unit 1 Introduction Unit 1

1、 Which of the following is NOT included in this course?

答案: Debating skills

2、 Which of the following has the most informal form?

答案: casual conversations

3、 Which of the following words is a colloquial word used in spoken English? 

答案: kid

4、 According Video 1.3, which of the following is the best way to improve pronunciation?

答案: Imitation

5、 Which of the following is NOT true when you do shadowing? 

答案: You speak the same thing after the speaker.

6、 What are hedges? 

答案: They are words that express a certain degree of uncertainty.

7、 According to Video 1.4, the imitation techniques include three steps,  ① shadow; ② listen; ③ copy.  What is the correct order when you do imitation?

答案: ②③①

8、 One of the features of spoken English is the use of idioms.

答案: 正确

9、 When doing the Speaking-to-yourself exercise, it is important that you use accurate words and check unfamiliar words when speaking.

答案: 错误

10、 When doing the retelling exercise, you need to take notes. 

答案: 正确

Week 2: Unit 2 Getting to Know Various English Accents Unit 2

1、 English can be categorized into ______ circles according to the role English plays in the regions.

答案: three

2、 Which of the following countries belong to the outer circle?

答案: India

3、 One of the features of Chinese-accented English is the lack of weak forms. This is largely because _____

答案: Chinese and English are different in rhythmic pattern.

4、 Occurring after a vowel, the /r/ sound is lost in ______.

答案: British accent

5、 When placed between two vowels, T will almost sound like /d/ in _.

答案: American accent

6、 Speaking of the differences between British and American Englishes, which of the following aspects are mainly described in Video 2.2?

答案:  pronunciation;

7、 The lack of sound linking might impair naturalness and fluency.

答案: 正确

8、 In American accent, the vowels in the three words, “lot”, “palm” and “thought” sound alike. 

答案: 正确

Week 3: Unit 3 Producing English Sounds Unit 3

1、 Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of vowels?

答案: Voicing

2、 Which of the following is correct?

答案:  /i/ is an example of the high vowel.

3、 Where should you put the tip of your tongue when you pronounce /θ/ and /ð/?

答案: Between your upper and lower teeth.

4、 Which of the following is NOT how sounds are linked?

答案: vowel + consonant linking

5、 What will “good day” sound like in connected speech?

答案: / /gu deɪ/

6、 What skills can be used to make“Good ① morning. Would ② you come ③ in” sound more fluently?

答案: ① elision ② assimilation ③ linking

7、 Consonants are produced as air goes from your lung up through your mouth without any obstruction.

答案: 错误

8、  Height refers to how high or low the lung is when producing the vowel.

答案: 错误


Week 4: Unit 4 Improving Pronunciation in Connected Speech Unit 4

1、 Which of the following statements are NOT true?

答案: Successful speakers seldom pause in speech.

2、 What does the sentence mean with the pause?She’s my girlfriend, | Amber.

答案: Amber is my girlfriend.

3、 Which of the following statements is True? 

答案: In a syllable-timed language, each syllable has more or less the same length.

4、 A falling tone shows _, and a rising tone signals _

答案: assertion; incompletion

5、 To suit the speaker’s purpose, what intonation patterns should be used on today and tomorrow in the following sentence? (F for a falling tone, and R for a rising tone)Can you come today or tomorrow? (I’m not sure whether these options may work. I’m asking for the time at your convenience.)

答案: RR

6、 What kinds of words are usually unstressed in a sentence?

答案: personal pronouns such as he and us

7、 What does a fall-rise tone indicate?

答案: disagreement;

8、 To reduce the vowel in the weak form, we can _.

答案: shorten the vowel, as in the word “been”;
replace the vowel with the central vowel /ә/, as in the preposition “for”;
delete the vowel, as the one in the connective “and”

9、 English is a stress-timed language, while Chinese is a syllable-timed language. 

答案: 正确

10、 Any word in a sentence can be stressed, if a particular idea is expressed.

答案: 正确




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