大学英语视听说(华北水利水电大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 The Road to College 大学之路 Test for Chapter 1

1、 Which one is not necessary when students apply for American universities according to the movie clip?

答案: Extracurricular experience

2、 1.“You have a Chinese stomach”here means Cody loves Chinese food.

答案: 正确

3、 There is a decreasing number in applying for American universities nowadays according to the information in the video.

答案: 错误

4、 The 72-year-old gentleman finally chose to learn Chinese.

答案: 错误

5、 It is very common for many old people return to college after they retire in United States.

答案: 正确

Unit 1 The Road to College 大学之路 Test for Chapter 2

1、 Which of the following statement is not correct concerning Jusha Volunteer Association? ( )

答案: Cody did a lot of good deeds to help others but he isn’t a Jusha member.

2、 The college entrance examination in China is the only deciding factor for college acceptance.

答案: 正确

3、 GPA, essays, activities and extracurricular activities are all significant when American universities admit college students.

答案: 正确

4、 It is rather difficult for colleges and universities to know what kind of citizens the students are from the extracurricular activities they are involved in.

答案: 错误

5、 The introductions made by the students in the movie clip demonstrate that all of them support their communities in meaningful ways 

答案: 错误


Unit 1 The Road to College 大学之路 Test for Chapter 3

1、 Which statement about taking AP courses is not true ? ( )

答案: They will offer less opportunities for the willing and academically prepared students.

2、 The story of Elle Wood demonstrates that diversity is an important element for colleges to admit students.

答案: 正确

3、 American students can only choose to take the SAT and ACT just once a year.

答案: 错误

4、 Only college students can choose dual-enrollment courses.

答案: 错误

5、 Students choose dual-enrollment because they can go to college and find their areas of interest and possibly graduate from college early.

答案: 正确

Unit 1 The Road to College 大学之路 Test for Chapter 4

1、 Which statement is not true in terms of American students? ( )

答案: American professors are not strict and responsible.

2、 Some Chinese students are not active in class because _____.

答案: They believe that saving face is of great importance for them.

3、  Carpe Diem the teacher emphasizes in the movie clip means to seize the day.

答案: 正确

4、  Chinese students will answer their teachers’questions when they are very sure about them.

答案: 正确

5、 Risk leads to failure as often as it leads to success

答案: 错误

Unit 2 Colorful Festivals 缤纷节日 Test for Chapter 1 in Unit 2

1、 What is Thanksgiving?

答案: a traditional Western holiday

2、 What day is Thanksgiving?

答案: the fourth Thursday in November

3、 What is the traditional food of Thanksgiving?

答案: a splendid feast of turkey with all the trimmings

4、 How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

答案:  In both Canada and America, family and friends gather for a feast on the holiday.

5、 Why is Thanksgiving celebrated?

答案:  to give thanks

Unit 2 Colorful Festivals 缤纷节日 Test for Chapter 2 in Unit 2

1、 1. Thanksgiving is an annual national holiday in the United States, Canada and UK celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year.

答案: 错误

2、 Americans model their holiday on a 1621 harvest feast shared between English colonists and the Wampanoag.

答案: 正确

3、 Traditional fare in America typically includes a splendid feast of steak with all the trimmings.

答案: 错误

4、 For more than 13 years Sarah Josepha Hale advocated for Thanksgiving to become an official U.S. holiday.

答案: 错误

5、 Her efforts finally succeeded in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln issued a presidential proclamation.

答案: 正确

Unit 3 TCM and Western Medicine 医途同归 Test for Chapter 1 in Unit 3

1、 1. How many Chinese Medical treatments have been introduced?              

答案: D. Four

2、 2.What is the most effective methods to keep Nador fit?A. Needle                       

答案:  B. Cupping

3、 3.What does “Nipping it in the bud”mean?

答案: B.防患于未然

4、 4.In Ji Kaifeng’s idea, what can be done to remedy “Oxygen Deficiency”?

答案: C. Moxibustion

5、 5.Which of the following is not true?

答案: D. Moxibustion can only help people to keep warm.

Unit 3 TCM and Western Medicine 医途同归 Test for Chapter 2 in Unit 3

1、 1. What did grandpa do after he found Danny didn’t feel well?

答案: D. Did Guasha on Danny.

2、 2.Why was Danny taken away from home by the social worker?

答案: C. They wanted to protect Danny because they think Danny was abused.

3、 3.  What did Da Tong do in the court?

答案: A. Da Tong illustrated what Guasha was.

4、 4.What was Quinlan so puzzled in the crowd?

答案: A. He wanted to find out the truth about Guasha.

5、 5.What did the doctor do to Quinlan?

答案: D. All of the above.

Unit 3 TCM and Western Medicine 医途同归 Test for Chapter 3 in Unit 3

1、 1.Why didn’t Cai Huangong and Caocao believe Bian Que and Hua Tuo?

答案: A. Because Cai Huangong and Caocao didn’t feel sick.

2、 2. What are the similarities between stories of Cai Huangong and Cao Cao?

答案: D. Both A and B.

3、 3. Which one was Bian Que’s work?

答案: B. 《难经》

4、 4. Which one belong to Hua Tuo?

答案: C. Both A and B.

5、 5. Which of the following are not famous traditional Chinese doctors?

答案: D. All of the above.





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