金融英语 知到智慧树答案满分完整版章节测试



绪论 单元测试

1、 Financial English belongs to “_”, which is a kind of professional English. ( )

A:English for General Purpose
B:English for Specific Purpose
C:English for Academic Purposes
D:English for Everyday Life
答案: English for Specific Purpose

2、 It’s better to study the course in _ academic year. ( )

A:the second or the third
B:the first or the second
C:the second or the fourth
D:the third or the fourth
答案: the third or the fourth

3、 Economic globalization and financial integration are inevitable tendencies.( )

答案: 对

4、 The course covers a wide range in finance, including money, international finance, financial market, commercial banking, accounting, international settlement, E-finance, insurance and financial crisis.( )

答案: 对

5、 To learn the course well, more importance should be attached to the financial knowledge than specialized English words and expressions.( )

答案: 错

第一章 单元测试

1、 A rise of interest rates will cause( )

A:an increase in borrowing and a slowing-down of credit creation
B:a decrease in borrowing and an increase in credit creation
C:a decrease in borrowing and a decrease in credit creation
D:an increase in borrowing and an increase in credit creation
答案: a decrease in borrowing and a decrease in credit creation

2、 Which of the following is not one of the functions of money? ( )

A:standard for payment
B:financial assets
C:store of value
D:medium of exchange
答案: financial assets

3、 What is the factor that led to the invention of money? ( )

A:market places
B:difficulties and inefficiency of the barter system
C:double coincidence of wants
D:rate of exchange
答案: difficulties and inefficiency of the barter system

4、 If the money supply lags behind production, the economy may suffer from with equally undesirable effects. ( )

答案: deflation

5、 Narrow money refers to . ( )

B:M0 and M1
D:M1 and M2
答案: M0 and M1

6、 Strictly speaking, money is currency. ( )

答案: 错

7、 Money is the unique form in which wealth can be held. ( )

答案: 错

8、 Interest rates move in the same direction with that of the stock index.( )

答案: 错

9、 Nominal interest rate is unadjusted for inflation.( )

答案: 对

10、 Raising the reserve requirement ratio will release liquidity. ( )

答案: 错

第二章 单元测试

1、 Based on the data of 2019, the biggest geographic trading center for foreign exchange is primarily _.( )

C:New York
答案: London

2、 _ is the date on which the money must be paid to the parties involved in spot transaction.( )

A:The business day
B:The deal date
C:The value date
D:The working day
答案: The value date

3、 Suppose a small Chinese firm sold some goods to a Japanese firm, and it will receive payment of 1 million yen in 60 days. Which of the following statement is right?( )

A:The Chinese firm has a liability position in yen – short position in yen.
B:The Chinese firm can enter into a forward contract to sell 1 million yen in 60 days.
C:If the yen depreciates in 60 days, the firm will receive more yuan.
D:The exchange rate risk is lower in a short period, so there is no need for the exporter to hedge the risks.
答案: The Chinese firm can enter into a forward contract to sell 1 million yen in 60 days.

4、 Swap transactions involve two _ inseparable contract deals, usually the first for spot delivery, and the second for future delivery. ( )

答案: simultaneous

5、 The _ gives buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (or sell) a specified amount of one currency for another at a specified price on a specified date.( )

A:swap transaction
B:futures transaction
C:option transaction
D:forward transaction
答案: option transaction

6、 Foreign bank notes are not foreign exchange in the narrower sense.( )

答案: 对

7、 Quotes using a country’s home currency as the unit currency are known as direct quotation.( )

答案: 错

8、 Futures contracts can be customized to meet particular customer needs.( )

答案: 错

9、 It is estimated that speculation accounts for only 10% of the daily trading activity in foreign exchange market.( )

答案: 错

10、 Opportunities for actual arbitrage in foreign exchange market are rare.( )

答案: 对

第三章 单元测试

1、 According to the principle of the balanced balance of payments, if a country reduces its foreign exchange reserves by $20 million and the statistical discrepancy is in the credit entry of $5 million in a given period of time, the country runs _____of its balance of payments during that period of time.( )

A:$25 million deficits
B:$5 million deficits
C:$20 million deficits
D:$15 million deficits
答案: $25 million deficits

2、 In terms of balance-of-payments account, which of the following would be recorded as a debit entry in the U.S. BOP?( )

A:Exports of services
B:Purchase of the U.S. Treasury bonds by non-residents
C:Exports of merchandise
D:An increase of the deposit in a U.S. resident’s account at a foreign bank
答案: An increase of the deposit in a U.S. resident’s account at a foreign bank

3、 The balance of payments is a statistical record which measures the total value of __. ( )

A:all economic and financial transactions between the residents and non-residents for a given period of time
B:a country’s capital inflows and outflows at a particular date in a given year
C:a country’s foreign trades between the residents of a country and its non-residents for a given period of time
D:a country’s foreign exchange reserves in a certain period of time
答案: all economic and financial transactions between the residents and non-residents for a given period of time

4、 The trade deficit means that___. ( )

A:residents are producing more goods than they are consuming
B:residents are borrowing more funds than they are lending
C:residents are receiving more payments than they are making
D:residents are importing more goods than they are exporting
答案: residents are importing more goods than they are exporting

5、 In the short-term, a balance of payments surplus boosts economic growth. ( )

答案: 对

6、 Balance of payments ( )

A:provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country’s currency
B:is defined as the statistical record of a country’s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of a double-entry bookkeeping
C:can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competition
D:is a country’s capital inflows and outflows at a particular date in a given year
答案: provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country’s currency
,is defined as the statistical record of a country’s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of a double-entry bookkeeping
,can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competition

7、 A country’s international transactions can be grouped into_three main types.( )

A:official reserve account
B:current account
C:capital account
D:medium term account
答案: official reserve account
,current account
,capital account

8、 Since the balance of payments is presented as a system of double-entry bookkeeping, __.( )

A:every transaction must be recorded twice
B:None of the above
C:every credit in the account is balanced by a matching debit
D:every debit in the account is balanced by a matching credit
答案: every transaction must be recorded twice
,every credit in the account is balanced by a matching debit
,every debit in the account is balanced by a matching credit

9、 The transaction a U.S. embassy in Beijing pays salaries to its American staffs is included in China’s balance-of-payments account. ( )

答案: 错

10、 The demand for a country’s exports impacts the value of its currency. ( )

答案: 对

第四章 单元测试

1、 Why would a company issue commercial paper? ( )

A:All are right.
B:Because they can essentially print money.
C:To finance short term things.
D:To finance large projects and expansions.
答案: To finance short term things.

2、 Eurocurrency deposits are ( ).

A:bank deposits designated in the common currency of the European Community
B:held by banks in London only
C:bank deposits in dollars
D:held by banks in one country in the currency of another
答案: held by banks in one country in the currency of another

3、 What is a major advantage of money market instruments? ( )

A:They have higher returns than most savings accounts.
B:They are relatively low risk.
C:All are right.
D:Most instruments offer good liquidity.
答案: All are right.

4、 Borrowers obtain funds from lenders by selling to lenders newly issued claims in the financial markets, eg. stock market or bond market, and we call this way ( ).

A:financial market
B:direct finance
C:financial instrument
D:indirect finance
答案: direct finance

5、 The instruments traded in money markets have some common features, including ( ).

A:more liquid and safer
B:large denominations
C:short-term maturities
D:low default risk and low yields
答案: more liquid and safer
,large denominations
,short-term maturities
,low default risk and low yields

6、 On the international level, there are two pillars underpinning the RMB internationalization, they are ( ).

A:China’s products
B:China’s markets
C:the creditworthiness of China as the world’s second-largest economy
D:China’s gold reserves and foreign exchange reserves
答案: the creditworthiness of China as the world’s second-largest economy
,China’s gold reserves and foreign exchange reserves

7、 Based on the maturity of the securities traded in the market, financial markets can be classified into primary market and secondary market. ( )

答案: 错

8、 T-bills are short-term securities that mature in one year or less from their issue date. ( )

答案: 对

9、 CDs offer a slightly lower yield than T-bills because the bank’s default risk is lower. ( )

答案: 错

10、 Repos are short-term collateralized loans used by securities dealers and other market participants as a source of low cost financing method. ( )

答案: 对

第五章 单元测试

1、 An important financial institution that assists in the initial sale of securities in the primary market is the ( ).

A:central bank
B:investment bank
C:joint-equity bank
D:commercial bank
答案: investment bank

2、 The New York Stock Exchange is the most important example of a ( ) financial market.

答案: secondary

3、 Capital markets are more frequently used for ( ) assets, which are those with maturities of greater than one year.

D:medium-and long-term
答案: long-term

4、 When a company issues public stock newly to investors through underwriting by investment bankers, this sale is called ( ).

A:a follow-on offering
B:an initial public offering
C:a listing
D:a private placement
答案: an initial public offering

5、 The financial instruments used in capital markets include ( ), but the instruments used in the money markets include deposits, T-bills and bills of exchange.

B:commercial papers
答案: bonds

6、 Private placement has advantages over other equity financing methods, including ( ).

A:reduced time
B:the ability to remain a private company.
C:reduced cost
D:less burdensome regulatory requirements
答案: reduced time
,the ability to remain a private company.
,reduced cost
,less burdensome regulatory requirements

7、 Public offering is also called direct issuing as securities are not issued through intermediaries. ( )

答案: 错

8、 An organized securities exchange is a location with a trading floor where all of the trading takes place under the rules formulated by the exchange. ( )

答案: 对

9、 An IPO is a big step for a company. It provides the company with access to raising a lot of money. This gives the company a greater ability to grow and expand. ( )

答案: 对

10、 An is the issuance of additional shares of stock after the issuing company has already had a follow-on offering. ( )

答案: 错

第六章 单元测试

1、 A stockholder( ).

A:enjoys a priority over bondholders when the firm is in trouble
B:faces less risk than bondholder and therefore is more likely to make a great deal of money
C:earns a return from stock price increase or dividends
D:owns a percentage interest in a firm and therefore is a creditor of the firm
答案: earns a return from stock price increase or dividends

2、 That a stockholder has the right of a residual claimant means( ).

A:stockholders have a claim on assets or income left over after all other claimants are satisfied
B:stockholders have no claim on assets left over after all other claimants are satisfied
C:all of the above
D:stockholders have a claim on assets before all other claimants are satisfied
答案: stockholders have a claim on assets or income left over after all other claimants are satisfied

3、 Stocks( ).

A:have no maturity
B:guarantee their holders’ interest when the firm is in trouble
C:have a longer maturity than bonds
D:enable their holders to get rich even if the firm does not do well
答案: have no maturity

4、 In a general sense the term negotiable securities is applicable to many forms of negotiable instruments including checks, bills of exchange, and bills of lading and so on.( )

答案: 对

5、 An equity holder is a residual claimant because they have no right to the management and profit of the company. ( )

答案: 错

6、 Preferred stock is a special equity security that has properties of both an equity and a debt instrument and is generally considered a hybrid instrument.( )

答案: 对

7、 A callable preferred stock means that the holder has the right to sell the stock back to the issuer at a certain price.( )

答案: 错

8、 The potential profits from owning common stocks come primarily in two forms: dividends and capital gains when the stock price rises.( )

答案: 对

9、 Zero coupon bonds do not pay interest until the end of the maturity date. ( )

答案: 错

10、 Floating-rate bonds are riskier than fixed rate bonds especially when inflation rate is high. ( )

答案: 错

第七章 单元测试

1、 The main asset on a bank balance sheet is . ( )

A:capital and reserves
C:loans and overdrafts
答案: loans and overdrafts

2、 is also called bridge loan. ( )

A:Short-term loan
B:Credit card
C:Non-installment loan
D:Amortization loan
答案: Non-installment loan

3、 In addition to financing the agricultural, commercial and industrial activities of the nation, commercial banks facilitate consumption by making loans. ( )

答案: consumer

4、 are not confined to buy or build real estate. ( )

A:Construction and development loans
B:Residential mortgage loans
C:Commercial real estate loans
D:Home equity loans
答案: Home equity loans

5、 Under five-category loan classification, has potential weaknesses that deserve management’s close attention. ( )

D:special mention
答案: special mention

6、 The current ratio provides a more conservative measure of aggregate liquidity than quick ratio.( )

答案: 错

7、 Equity Multiplier measures the degree of financial leverage employed. The greater is the degree of leverage, the greater are the returns or risks to shareholders.( )

答案: 对

8、 Non-mortgage consumer loans are usually used to finance the purchase of durable goods.( )

答案: 对

9、 Collateral is the lender’s primary source of repayment or security in the case of default.( )

答案: 错

10、 Pricing of interest rate of international syndicated loan is basically the federal funds rate plus a spread.( )

答案: 错





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